Tuesday 15 November 2011

Change Your Life

This is SOOO easy.

I used to have a prayer which I said every morning and did this for years. I cannot say it was not working but I only used to give thanks. I have never believed in asking for material things because I believe they will be supplied when they are needed. (this is how my life has been anyway.....)

Then, one morning I was thinking of a shorter, more concise way that included everything and the thought came to me.

Say THANK YOU.........................for EVERYTHING.

Wow, my life changed straight away. I have no idea what is so special about those words but they really work for me. You must say thank you for everything, no matter how trying or difficult things might be. I have an Oak Tree near my home which I hug or touch every time I go past him and always thank him for everything as well. I always try to thank him for a lovely day at the end of the day and before going to sleep at night thank my "Friends" for everything.
I do the same thing when I get out of bed in the morning.

Now, I know mantras are supposed to be wonderful but I can only remember the Violet flame one.

I am the Violet Flame
In action in me now
I am the Violet Flame
To Light alone I bow

Now, I was thinking of a universal word that encompasses all feelings and everything I believe in.
Sooooooooo, my mantra is simple and amazingly effective.

And the word..............


It is as simple as that. Try it for yourself and see whether it does not work for you.
Just go around saying, LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE...............to yourself and see what happens..........

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